"A Child Called It": Author: Dave Pelzer Number of Pages: 180  Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆

 Review: After reading “A Child Called It” you will learn to appreciate your mother a ton more. This memoir goes into depth about the abuse that Dave went through as a child and how he was deathly afraid of his own mother. The book starts out with Dave making up excuses to his principal and nurse about how he had gotten his bruises for his mother would not get in trouble. His nurse knew he was lying because he always used the same excuses and she called the police. The police took Dave to the station and called his mother, the police promised Dave he would be safe but they soon returned him to his abusive mother. Dave would soon realize that because of the incident with the police his life was about to get a whole lot worse and his abuse. Dave explains all the good times he had with his mother and his life before his mother started drinking and father started working longer hours.
Dave take us in depth about how his childhood changed drastically and how he was always worried about his mother's mood because he knew if she was having a bad day she would take it out on him out of all his brothers. We learn that Dave thought his father would save him from the abuse but Dave’s father soon proved himself and started to take off instead of trying to help Dave, since it would just cause problems for the parent relationship. Dave explains that he worked and worked doing chores his mother assigned to him while he was not at school and while his brothers were playing living a good childhood that he once had. Catherine, Dave’s mother would call him a “bad boy” with no explanation as to why and she would use that as the excuse to why she abused him and he started blame himself for doing  wrong earlier on in his childhood. Dave was only allowed to speak when he was spoken to and was only allowed to eat when his mother gave him his brothers leftovers. If she found out he ate behind her back she made him throw it up and drink bleach. Dave explains his abuse got so terrible that sometimes he did not even know how he made it through alive.

What make “A Child Called It” unique is that Dave is so open and willingly to share his abuse with others. This book is unique because it is definitely a real eye opener and made me appreciate my life even more than I already do. It helps show us what abuse does to a person and how it really affects someone.

Dave Pelzer uses a different writing style and tone to also make us feel emotions while reading his experiences and making his abuse feel so vivid that I felt like I was alongside him. Dave mainly focuses on his abuse and how awful his childhood turned into a nightmare in just a blink of an eye but he also shine’s light on how he stood strong when he thought he couldn't and how eventually he overcame his abusive mother.

I would recommend this book to anyone who needs to appreciate their life or mother a lot more and anyone else who would like to know how abuse truly affects someone.


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