Beneath the Surface Review
Author: John Hargrove
Number of Pages: 257
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
John Hargrove introduces Beneath the Surface by describing himself as a young boy with a dream,
a dream that was inspired by SeaWorld. Ever since his first visit to SeaWorld he has wanted to be a killer
whale trainer. He starts working hard to pursue this dream at age 6, he eventually got SeaWorld’s
attention with all of his letters and became a trainer apprentice. This was the start to his dream coming
true. John finally got his dream job as an older adult and it wasn’t everything he dreamed it would be.
After a few of his co-workers died while performing tricks and SeaWorld did nothing about it Hargrove
decided to do something about it himself.
whale trainer. He starts working hard to pursue this dream at age 6, he eventually got SeaWorld’s
attention with all of his letters and became a trainer apprentice. This was the start to his dream coming
true. John finally got his dream job as an older adult and it wasn’t everything he dreamed it would be.
After a few of his co-workers died while performing tricks and SeaWorld did nothing about it Hargrove
decided to do something about it himself.
At first glance Beneath the Surface appears to be any other unmasking. But after reading deeper into
it the reader realizes how disappointing and arduous it must have been for Hargrove to turn on a place
he loved for so many years. A part of what makes this book so special is how personal it is, and the
change of perspective from beginning to end. It is truly astonishing knowing that in the first part of the
book Hargrove loved every inch of SeaWorld and in the middle and last part of the book he is exposing
all the terrible things that happened to him and his co-workers, who were friends. I was truly touched and
amazed at what they had all been through, with no justice.
it the reader realizes how disappointing and arduous it must have been for Hargrove to turn on a place
he loved for so many years. A part of what makes this book so special is how personal it is, and the
change of perspective from beginning to end. It is truly astonishing knowing that in the first part of the
book Hargrove loved every inch of SeaWorld and in the middle and last part of the book he is exposing
all the terrible things that happened to him and his co-workers, who were friends. I was truly touched and
amazed at what they had all been through, with no justice.
The way that John Hargrove portrays his experiences in Beneath the Surface is what makes this book so
amiable to read, if he hadn’t shown both sides of SeaWorld his point would not be as strong. In the
middle of the book Hargrove provides pictures from his injuries and other experiences at SeaWorld, this
part was very memorable because after reading about these things I made up pictures in my head of
what happened, but seeing a real picture of it made it that much more absolute.
amiable to read, if he hadn’t shown both sides of SeaWorld his point would not be as strong. In the
middle of the book Hargrove provides pictures from his injuries and other experiences at SeaWorld, this
part was very memorable because after reading about these things I made up pictures in my head of
what happened, but seeing a real picture of it made it that much more absolute.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, people that have been to SeaWorld or a zoo would
absolutely love to read this book, those who love animals or who can relate to a broken dream will
connect to this book, it is heartbreaking yet beautiful and a genuine delightful read.
absolutely love to read this book, those who love animals or who can relate to a broken dream will
connect to this book, it is heartbreaking yet beautiful and a genuine delightful read.
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