Into the Wild Review

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Title of the Book: Into the Wild
Author: Jon Krakauer 
Number of Pages: 141 pages
Rating: ☆☆☆☆


Throughout this novel, you learn about the life of Chris McCandless. He was a young man who grew up in a middle-class family. He had graduated from college and was on his way to law school.

McCandless had grown up loving the outdoors. He had loved it so much that one day he had dropped his life to make his way into the wild. He had donated all of his money and packed up his car and left without any warning, to anybody, including his parents. He had traveled around the United States in his car, which had eventually broken down, where he then traveled by foot or by hitchhiking. He was tracked down by letters he had written to people he had met along his trip.

The author of this book was very similar to Chris McCandless himself. They had shared the same hobbies and often traveled to the same places, such as Alaska.

This book has many aspects that sets it aside from others. For one, at the beginning of each chapter, the author takes a quote from some of the books that Chris was very fond of. Something else that made this book unique was that it was written about Chris McCandless and the author had tracked down everyone Chris had met through the letters and he had them questions about him and his new life. The author never actually met Chris. This book was interesting because Jon Krakauer not only talked about Chris's life but also a little bit about himself since they were so similar.

One of the most memorable moments in this book was the fact that Chris had dropped everything he had ever known just so he could follow his dreams, even though he didn't know where it would lead him. I think it's an inspiration to so many people to not care what others think or what could happen but just follow your heart and do what makes you happy. I would recommend this book to anyone that asks because I really enjoyed it.

"It is the experiences, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found. God, it's great to be alive." 
-Christopher McCandless    


  1. It really is an excellent book eh. What would you rate the book out of five stars?

  2. I loved this book. That he got lost and died in my backyard (I'm from Alaska) was not thrilling, but the way his unique story was told was great.


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