Man's Search for Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning: Viktor Frankl: 165: Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆

Can you explain the meaning of life? Uncovered in Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, he analyses his own personal suffering inside concentration camps during World War II. Viktor Frankl informs his reader of the greatest suffering, suffering from the mind. With an immense background and passion for psychology, Frankl reveals how his personal experience inside three different concentration camps allowed him to explore the meaning of life. Viktor analysis many situations which he or fellow campers suffered, and how many were able to persevere, while others simply lost hope. Viktor’s perspective from inside the camp creates an emotional novel, which causes the reader to evaluate personal mental strength, as well as the meaning of life through suffering.
This book is extremely unique because it unveils a new area of a commonly know suffering, the holocaust. No one will ever truly understand the suffering endured inside the camps. However, the analysis of the strength required to overcome suffering creates a lesson of the true power of the mind, as well as the purpose of life. Viktor Frankl is able to capture how precious life truly is, as well as explore how man adapts to their environment. Throughout the novel, Viktor causes you to question your own actions and helps to create a self- awareness and appreciation of life.
As Viktor Frankl spoke of the guards finding joy in beating the inmates, as they struggled to move along, I became extremly sadden. Viktor then deeply analyses how quickly we can lose our morals if simply we submerge into our surrounding environment. A Man’s Search for Meaning is such an impactful read because it not only allows you, as a reader to grow in your knowledge of the holocaust but also knowledge of the complexity of the mind. As human behaviors are analyzed throughout this novel it creates an appreciation, as well as awareness. This novel will impact you as a reader and leave you longing for more.


  1. I've read this book in past English classes. I liked his perspective on the holocaust; he told his story well. It was an awful time period and Frankl is able to portray the impact onto readers.


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