Title: Anne Frank: The diary of a young girl.
Author: Anne Frank
Pages: 283 pages
Rating: 4 stars ☆☆☆☆

Review: If you enjoy nonfiction literature, the feeling of amazement and awe, heartbreaking moments, and moments of triumph along with the characters in a book; Anne Frank’s diary is for you.

Anne Frank is a young German girl who is Jewish during the time of World War II. She sees the segregation that those who are jews see every day. Her family and some close friends go into hiding to avoid being sent to death camps. Many thrilling and terrifying tales are told by young Anne Frank about herself and her family during this scary time.
This book is heart pulling, tear-jerking, and a real emotional rollercoaster. Frank tells about her day to day life and how she is affected by hiding away and such. She was an amazing writer with such strong emotions that I can see and feel decades later. This book is a terrific read and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys nonfiction and isn't afraid to cry while reading it because you will… Anne Frank is an inspiration to us even today with her bravery and wit. And I strongly recommend this book because of this.


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