Title of the Book: Into The Wild
 Author: Jon Krakauer
 Number of Pages: 224
 Rating: ☆☆☆☆
 Review: Wilderness. Adventure. Fighting for your life. If you are looking for a book that combines all three of these interesting elements, then Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer is a perfect fit for you. The book follows the adventure of a young man named Christopher McCandless who attempted to climb the deadly “Devil's Thumb” mountain in Alaska. Jon also talks about his personal experience with dangerous encounters and life-threatening treks. This book is so unique because of how the Jon Krakauer is essentially examining another man's case, with his own input. This is so interesting because Jon himself has experience with extreme climbs up mountains. His friends were involved on one of the biggest Mt. Everest disasters in history. The author uses a unique one of a kind writing style that makes you feel as if you went through these extreme experience right by side them. The author uses language that perfectly fits the book. The language and word choice just enhance the already great book he wrote. Without giving spoilers away, the most memorable part of the book is the opening because it immediately sets the tone for the book when it recaps the journey of Christopher McCandless. I think many people would enjoy this book, but people who are into hiking, climbing, adventure, dangerous exhibitions, etc. would really enjoy this book because it gives you a first-hand view of all the danger that comes with it. For someone like me who doesn’t read unless it's for school, even I really enjoyed this book, and I would recommend it to many people.


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