The Glass Castle Review

Title of the Book: The Glass Castle
Author: Jeanette Walls
Number of Pages: 288
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
This surprisingly true-story, book is told by Jeannette Walls. She tells her unbelievable life story in an amazing, thrilling way.
Walls tells about her crazy life, between burning herself when making hot dogs by herself at 3 years old, to living almost “homeless” in the desert, saving enough money to run away and build her own life. Finally settling down in Welch, West Virginia, this was both a blessing and a curse. She felt a little more stable because she knew they weren’t going to pick up and leave again, but her father was drunk most of the time, so her time was spent taking care of her siblings. The author’s writing style is unique because she has flashback of the past and the present.
The first memorable moment is the few chapter of the book. She tells about the story of
her cooking hot dogs at the age of 3, by herself. She catches her dress on fire which lands her in the hospital. Her parents “break her out” of the hospital to ditch the hospital bill. However, the thing that most surprised me about this is once she got out of the hospital, she continued to play with fire, whereas most kids would be frightened if that happened.
I would recommend this book to anyone that likes adventure stories. This book is an adventure and an unbelievable story, and I would recommend this to anyone who likes adventure, and true stories.


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